Wasted Tears

So, just last Friday I posted a sad little account of leaving Toby at the vet for the weekend.  Though I somewhat joked about the tears and tried to laugh at myself all day on Saturday and Sunday, I was really very upset about it.  That is, until we brought him home Sunday evening (our vet is a friend and she graciously let us retrieve him early). 

Let me tell you, in case you were worried, Toby is fine.  He is actually better than fine.  He is running around like never before.  He is still eating his food in .3 seconds flat.  He did not forget me.  He has found at least two brand new ways to annoy me and bring me to a totally different kind of tears.  Those other dogs at the vet's must have been a bad influence on him...  My favorite is when he digs into the waste-paper baskets and then darts around the house and under the bed with whatever tissue, toilet paper roll, random item he has found so you'll chase him (only I don't chase).  He has also started waking up at 6am for no apparent reason, scratching at the door of his crate, and whining.  Luckily, he still goes into his crate on his own and does not seem to have forgotten how to sit (though the stay part is still a work in progress). 

Anyways, I see now that my tears on Friday were not really necessary.  Our vet took good care of Toby and Blake and I got a much needed and well deserved break from the little rascal.  I'm going to try to remember this lesson when it comes to leaving Sprout at day care, but we'll see...  something tells me those tears will not be wasted.



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