If my blog were a Jeopardy round category...

You'd be taking "Better Late than Never" for $1000.

Initially calendared for May 8, 2011, these two events occurred later than expected, but still turned out okay

Alex, what are Sprout's birth and an Expanding Erdels' blog post about Kate's mom?
So, still no real news on the baby birth front.  I feel just about the same as I did on Monday, as I did a week and a half ago, shoot, as I felt, three weeks ago.  Maybe a little bigger and puffier around the ankles, but not any closer to going into labor on my own.  I am though closing in on my scheduled induction date of Monday, May 16th.  I have mixed feelings about this whole induction thing and at the end of the day would really much prefer for things to start moving along on their own...  Come on, Sprout!

Pros of induction include: knowing that Sprout WILL arrive and when; allowing family to plan; and limiting the increasing risks of things like high blood pressure, a too-big baby, meconium ingestion, and placental failure. 

Cons include: the potential for a really long and slow labor; increased monitoring which may lead to being bed-ridden, which in turn could lead to more pain and an increased desire to have an epidural (otherwise, I was thinking about trying labor without pain meds); and increased risk of needing other interventions or even a C-section.

I'm going to just take my doctor's advice on this though and if no Sprout before then, I'll be admitted on Sunday evening and hopefully have a baby by the end of the day on Monday! 

As for the other belated event... I had really good intentions of writing a lovely Mother's Day post this year.  I was thinking that it would be the perfect time and place to share my feelings about my sister-in-law Rachel becoming a mom, my mother-in-law Becky becoming a grandma, and my own impending motherhood.  I also thought it would be great to commemorate some of my feelings about my mom so that they would be preserved for Sprout.  Alas, I was too pooped out from the wedding the night before and wasted most of the day away being super lazy.  At the one moment I did feel inspired to blog, I was overcome with a wave of sadness missing my mom that could only be overcome with two cherry popsicles and avoidance.  So, no post.

I did have the energy to chat with my mother-in-law and cuddle
with Toby, though.
Today's post will not make up for the lost post and I will be sure, the next time I feel that the moment is right, to put into words all that I feel and want to share about my mom.  It doesn't have to be Mother's Day for me to do that.  In fact, it would probably be better if it weren't.  I'm afraid to say it, but Mother's Day may never have for me the same meaning that it use to because I can never get through the day without feeling a little bit sorry for myself or thinking how unfair it is that I didn't get to tell my mom that I loved her or even say good bye.  I'm sure I'll enjoy being a mom on Mother's Day for the rest of my life.  But I don't much enjoy being the child.

Love and miss you, Mom.


  1. Kate! I am so excited for you to meet lil Sprout ex utero. All will go well! Thinking of you.


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