Quick update {Flashback Alert}

{This post was originally drafted on July 28, 2013 and posted on July 15, 2020} 

Way back in early February when this pregnancy was really sinking in, October sounded so super far away. I knew that the time would fly by and I was of course elated to expand our family again. But, even back then when it was sub-30 out, I was terrified of two impending things: (1) July and (2) August. Why? Because I'm a clammy sweat-er. I hate being too hot. I start sweating just thinking about it. I  haven't really worn shorts in years because skirts and dresses are cooler, and hide the sweat better. If it's too hot, I can't sleep. I can't think. I simply hate it. Add to those facts the thought of being pregnant during a summer like we had last year? Terror. And sweaty palms. Uggh.

But, alas, fear #1 has been averted. July has just about passed us by with not so much of a mention of breaking 100. We've been to the pool, the parks (all the parks), the zoo, baseball games, the lake, the front yard, other people's yards... you name it. And I've barely sweat at all. Its like, with Audrey, being pregnant made me immune from allergies. With this kid, pregnancy has made me immune to heat. And, it sure has helped that Mother Nature has kept her index and humidity in check.

Sure, I've got a few aches, but seriously, no complaints. I feel so blessed.


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