Sisterhood: Part III

Whatever you do they will love you; even if they don't love you they are connected to you till you die.  You can be boring and tedious with sisters, whereas you have to put on a good face with friends.  ~Deborah Moggach

My sister friend Jamie doesn't need more sisters. She has three already. And they keep her life full and busy with all of their business and battles. Their life as sisters is kind of like a war where the foe keeps changing so that you never know who you're fighting, much less why. When one battle ends, they get over it and move on. But only until the next battle begins. They bicker and fight, like I imagine all sisters do. But they also love and defend one another tirelessly. Even when they are mad as hell at one another, they show up and do the right thing for one another and for the family as a whole. 

Jamie is the same way with her friends. And then some. I'm pretty sure it's because of her sisters.

She is honest and sentimental. This is a trait her sisters might tease, but she is these things in spite of them. She has a memory (and tanning ability) I'd give my left cerebellum for. I think both are a part of her a self-defense mechanism to protect herself from evil sisters/skin cancer. Whatever. She's witty and smart. Again, self-defense. Or genetics. Her dad is both, too. 

Like a sister, she's always in it for the long haul. {When we were freshmen in college, I sent Jamie an old fashioned letter of sorts, telling her that I would be marrying Blake and that she could be in the wedding. I was of course (kind of ) teasing at the time, but when the first part of that letter came true, I was just lucky that Jamie was still in my life to fulfil the second part and remind me of that letter I'd written so many years before.}
Like a sister, She's there when everyone else has gone home. {This past summer, when I was home on maternity leave with Audrey, there were a few times when Blake had to work overnight or late at the hospital. Jamie timed her visits so that I wouldn't be home alone during those nights. And when she visited, unlike some other visitors, she didn't expect anything. She was content to just be with me and watch me do exactly what I needed to do - nurse Audrey and sit on my butt and do nothing. It was perfect. I loved her being there and loved watching her love my baby.}

So, while she may not see it or agree with me on this, Jamie is a more beautiful person because of her sisters. She is who she is because of her sisters. She is a better friend to me because of her sisters. She is a sister to her sisters even when they don't deserve it and she is a friend to me even when I don't deserve it. That's why she is a sister I never had.

Love you, Jamers.


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