Top 10 Best Things About Being an Aunt

No. 10: I can claim to actually know THE cutest baby in California.

No: 9: Those cheeks!

No. 8: I can be cooler and more fun in her eyes that I will be in Sprout's.

No. 7: I get to watch my brother and sister-in-law be amazing parents (even if it's from afar for now).

No. 6: I get to watch Blake be a doting uncle.

No. 5: I can send her all the stuffed animals, unnecessary but adorable baby clothes, and candy a kid could ever want without being responsible if she ends up spoiled or prone to tooth decay.  Sorry Brad and Rachel!

No. 4: Sprout will have a cousin so close in age!
 No. 3: Even more chaos, presents, laughter, and fun at holidays and family get-togethers.

No. 2: Just one more (very strong) reason to take a trip to sunny and warm California asap.

No. 1: This feeling of pride and excitement to see what she becomes.


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